Successful treatment of schizophrenia depends on a regimen of both drug and psychosocial support therapies. While antipsychotic medication can help control the symptoms of psychosis associated with schizophrenia, it cannot help the person find and maintain a job, establish effective social relationships, increase their coping skills, or teach them to communicate well with others. Poverty, […]
What Causes School Bullying?
Bullying behaviour is a complex issue and research in the area does not identify the supremacy of any one cause of bullying. Below is a summary overview of key factors that are considered to contribute in various ways, to the likelihood of bullying behaviours. The information below is not a complete list of all factors. […]
- November 3, 2011
- 2
- 121411
- Children & Adolescents, Multicultural Issues, School Counselling
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Graduate Story: Herb Koenitz
AIPC Graduate Herb Koenitz shares his story… “After 35 years in Corporate Life as a senior executive, I retired at age 55. After doing all the usual things such as travelling overseas and downsizing, I embarked on a period of study. I chose to do a Diploma course in Professional Counselling with the Australian Institute […]
- September 30, 2011
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- 4445
- Graduate Stories, Videos
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Graduate Story: Lorne Ferster
AIPC Graduate Lorne Ferster shares his story… “Approximately 25 years ago, my life took a turn which led me down a road of marriage breakdown, loss of family, and much heartache. It also took down a new road of growth and learning about me, and what life was really all about. My journey led me […]
- September 23, 2011
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- 2974
- Graduate Stories, Videos
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Graduate Story: Jane Johnson
AIPC Graduate Jane Johnson shares her story… “Four years ago I sat in a holiday unit staring at a selection of tablets that I, with a solid background in healthcare, was certain would take away all pain, permanently. I remember staring at the telephone in the room for an hour. Even now I do not […]
- September 20, 2011
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- 3626
- Graduate Stories, Videos
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Communication Problems with Couples
Looking for maladaptive communication patterns is a common form of assessment that therapists use (Long & Young, 2007). Based on John Gottman’s theory popularly known as the “Four Horseman of the Apocalypse”, the following subheadings are common communication problems that most couples experience or participate in. They include; criticism and complaint, defensiveness, contempt, and stone […]
- September 7, 2011
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- 10263
- Relationship & Families
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Book Review: Back from the Edge
Publisher: Cape Catley Ltd ISBN: 978-1-877340-22-2 Publication: September 2009 Rob Hewitt was drawn from the water after 75 hours at sea. His skin had begun to separate from his body, his mind was barely holding on – but he survived. People said it was like a miracle. How did he do it, how did he […]
- August 8, 2011
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- 3451
- Book Reviews, Personal Effectiveness, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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Play Therapy Activities to Engage Children
In play therapy, children are encouraged to express, through play, all the things they may have difficulty saying or contextualising into words. As a consequence of this primary focus, play therapy has expanded to include most of the expressive art forms including drawing, painting, sculpturing, music, dance, drama, movement, poetry, and storytelling. So while the […]
- July 18, 2011
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- 263036
- Children & Adolescents, Counselling Therapies, Creativity in Counselling
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School Bullying: Quick Facts and Information
There is no universal accepted definition of bullying. Olweus (1993) defines bullying as repeated, aggressive behaviour involving a power imbalance between the bully (perpetrator) and the intended bully victim (Olweus and Limber, 2010). Rigby (2010) defines bullying as a systematic and repeated abuse of power and identifies three aspects to bullying: 1) a desire to […]
- June 28, 2011
- 3
- 8614
- Children & Adolescents, School Counselling
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Graduate Story: Jodi-Anne Smith
AIPC Graduate Jodi-Anne Smith shares her story… “My name is Jodi-Anne. I am a 2009 graduate of the AIPC Diploma of Professional Counselling. It took me a lot longer to complete the Diploma than normal as I stopped and started my study several times. I followed my intuition and read in greater depth in the […]
- May 17, 2011
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- 3595
- Graduate Stories
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Counselling Dilemma: An Issue with a Supervisee
You are a counsellor and approved supervisor working in your own private practice. One of your supervisees, Mary, who has been with you for over twelve months, has told you that her sister is going through a lengthy and difficult relationship breakdown. Mary has previously suggested to her sister that she seek counselling but her […]
- March 3, 2011
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- 5209
- Counselling Dilemmas, Ethics & Legal Issues, Supervision
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Counselling Goals and Models of Group Therapy
Behavioural therapists have identified two primary goals of group therapy. These are process goals and outcome goals. Process goals refer to goals that are related to the group process. For example, process goals can be to help members improve their comfort level in the group, to increase openness in the group, and to learn to […]
- March 1, 2011
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- 38223
- Counselling Theory & Process, Group Work
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Counselling Dilemma: A Teenager at Risk of Suicide
Chantelle is 14 and in foster care. Chantelle was removed from her parents’ care at the age of seven and has since had several foster placements. Her last care arrangement ended, one month ago, when her foster family relocated interstate. Child protection workers have found a new foster placement for Chantelle and you have been […]
- February 15, 2011
- 0
- 7216
- Children & Adolescents, Clinical Mental Health, Counselling Dilemmas, Self-harming & Suicide
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