In CBT, verbal techniques are used to bring forth the client’s automatic thoughts, analyse the logic behind the thoughts, identify unhelpful assumptions, and examine the validity of the assumptions. Assumptions, once identified, are open to modification, which can occur by asking the client if the assumption seems reasonable, by having the client generate reasons for […]
Emotion in Motion
If you look at the Oxford Dictionary entry for the word ‘emotion’, you will find it is a noun, a thing, described as follows: A strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others: she was attempting to control her emotions: his voice was shaky with emotion. Instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished […]
- October 28, 2014
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- 12497
- Counselling Theory & Process, Counselling Therapies
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Book Review: Introduction to Counseling
Kottler, Jeffrey, A., and Shepard, David, S. (2015). Introduction to Counseling: Voices from the Field. (8th ed). Stamford, USA: Cengage Learning. Introduction to Counseling — Voices from the field (8th edition) by Jeffrey Kottler and David Shepard is an introductory textbook for students beginning the journey to becoming a professional counsellor. Now in its eight […]
- October 14, 2014
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- 6494
- Book Reviews, Counselling Theory & Process, Counselling Therapies
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Hard-wired to Connect: Mirror Neurons and Empathy
Many people have suspected for a long time that we human beings are designed to be able to experience things happening for another person: in good times or in bad. So we see a stranger clumsily bump their head on a low-hanging branch at the park, and we flinch, too. We hear that a friend […]
- September 29, 2014
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- 12013
- Clinical Mental Health, Neuroscience
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The Reactions of Grief and Mourning for the Suicide-bereaved
There are perhaps few human events which generate as many emotions and as intense a set of reactions as someone ending their own life. We can divide the reactions into two categories: those which tend to occur early in the grieving, and those which are ongoing. In this post we explore the early reactions of […]
- September 22, 2014
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- 5134
- Clinical Mental Health, Loss & Grief, Self-harming & Suicide
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WHO Report on Suicide Prevention
Every 40 seconds a person dies by suicide somewhere in the world. “Preventing suicide: a global imperative” is the first WHO report of its kind. It aims to increase awareness of the public health significance of suicide and suicide attempts, to make suicide prevention a higher priority on the global public health agenda, and to […]
- September 12, 2014
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- 3161
- Clinical Mental Health, Multicultural Issues, Self-harming & Suicide
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Graduate Story: Angelie Miaco
AIPC Graduate Angelie Miaco shares her story… “Studying at AIPC was definitely a choice in life that I will never forget or regret. The lecturers and teachers modelled exceptional care, excessive knowledge, as well as being so supportive in all areas of learning. It was excellent to see that they were not only there to […]
- September 2, 2014
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- 3891
- Graduate Stories
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Role Play Demonstration of a Supervision Session
In this video, Philip Armstrong (Clinical Director of the Clinical Counselling Centre and CEO of the Australian Counselling Association) and Catherine Dodemont (Registered Supervisor and Level 4 Member of the Australian Counselling Association) demonstrate (through a role-play) a counselling supervision session. Topics explored include counsellor self-care, professional development, confidentiality issues, practice management and marketing, and […]
- August 20, 2014
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- 6942
- Counselling Theory & Process, Supervision, Videos
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Tips to Support the Suicide-bereaved
If you have a friend, family member, or other acquaintance struggling with bereavement of suicide, how can you best offer support? What attitudes, translated into caring actions, can best facilitate the bereaved person’s coping in the immediate and short term, and their healing in the longer term? Because of the remaining societal stigma and also […]
- August 11, 2014
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- 5738
- Loss & Grief, Relationship & Families, Self-harming & Suicide
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Book Review: Spirituality in Counseling and Psychotherapy
Johnson, Rick. (2013). Spirituality in counseling and psychotherapy: An integrative approach that empowers clients. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Spirituality in counselling and psychotherapy offers a practical exploration of the understanding and integration of spirituality in contemporary counselling. It is a practical text guiding the reader through an awareness of self and the role […]
- August 4, 2014
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- 5599
- Book Reviews, Counselling Therapies, Spirituality & Religion, Wellness
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Counselling Dilemma: An Issue of Sexuality and Boundaries
A counsellor has been working with a client over a period of 9 months assisting with inner child therapy work. During the period, the client also talks about her relationship issues, sexuality as well as a relationship with another person. The counsellor, who also happens to be in a same sex relationship and going through […]
- July 22, 2014
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- 10299
- Counselling Dilemmas, Counselling Theory & Process, Ethics & Legal Issues, LGBTI Issues, Relationship & Families
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From Evidence-Based Medicine to Marketing-Based Medicine
Dr Peter Parry is an Australian child & adolescent psychiatrist who has researched the “Paediatric Bipolar Disorder” diagnosis emanating from the USA, a diagnosis completely at odds with his training and clinical experience in Australian child and adolescent mental health. As part of his research into the PBD phenomenon, he noticed hundreds of internal pharmaceutical […]
- July 10, 2014
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- 2634
- Diagnosis & Treatment, Ethics & Legal Issues, Videos
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Mindfulness Practice: Problems and Solutions
Although only recently embraced by Western psychology, mindfulness practices and techniques have been part of many Eastern philosophies, such as Buddhism, Taoism, Tai Chi, Hinduism, and most martial arts, for thousands of years. The various definitions of it revolve around bringing non-judgmental consciousness to the present experience, so it can be considered the art of […]
- July 7, 2014
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- 6485
- Counselling Therapies, Spirituality & Religion, Wellness
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Dealing with Transference in Counselling
Transference is a phenomenon in psychology characterised by “unconscious redirection of feelings of one person to another” (Wiki Answers, n.d.). It can occur both in everyday life and also in the therapy room. One example of how it can happen is when a person mistrusts another because the other resembles, say, an ex-spouse, in manners, […]
- July 4, 2014
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- Counselling Theory & Process
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DSM-IV and DSM-V Differences: Ending the Confusion
The DSM-5 has been out for a year now and – fourteen years in the making – it has been the subject of seemingly endless discussion. Are you “up with the play” on the changes – or just up to your ears in confusion? One source said that there were 464 changes, although many of […]
- June 30, 2014
- 2
- 8756
- Clinical Mental Health, Diagnosis & Treatment
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