Have you ever had a counselling or psychotherapy client who did not seem to show much, if any, sense of guiding and directing their own life? Or one who, despite apparent heroic efforts, was stuck in some significant way, unable to move forward? What about those fairly intact clients who come with an agonising loss […]
Helping Yourself Get Past the Blues
You can’t beat depression through sheer willpower — it is an illness after all, not a sign of weakness — but you do have some control. Here are some tips for helping yourself to overcome depression. They involve finding things you enjoy (especially some new ones), staying active, and staying connected. Some of the tips […]
- February 21, 2014
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- 6619
- Personal Effectiveness, Spirituality & Religion, Stress Management, Wellness
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Spot the Narcissist
In Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) individuals have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration – whether they have done anything to be admired for or not! A person with NPD is preoccupied with issues of power, personal adequacy, prestige, and vanity. Such a person lacks empathy and exudes a […]
- February 14, 2014
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- 3787
- Diagnosis & Treatment, Videos
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Guidelines for Developing an Effective Counselling Service Website
A website or blog is one of the most significant investments a counsellor makes in their efforts to advertise their practice. However, all too commonly, basic rules are not followed and shortcuts are taken. The result is usually an underperforming site that could otherwise be an effective client recruitment tool. By applying a little more […]
- January 21, 2014
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- 5388
- Private Practice, Technology & Social Media
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Graduate Story: Julie Brodie
AIPC Graduate Julie Brodie shares her story… “I had the privilege of graduating from AIPC Adelaide on the 16th November 2012 with a Diploma in Counselling, I was 47 years old at the finish line. My journey began back in 2007 – well actually it began long before that! You see, in 1995 I was […]
- January 6, 2014
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- 3775
- Graduate Stories
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Book Review: Developing Resilience
Neenan, M. (2009). Developing resilience: A cognitive-behavioural approach. East Essex, UK: Routledge. Pain, tragedy and sadness happen, how people react and recover from adverse life events can be as varied as the event itself. Why is this? How can two people experience the same incident yet one individual can fall apart and the other can […]
- December 30, 2013
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- 4032
- Book Reviews, Personal Effectiveness, Wellness
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Book Review: Acceptance and Mindfulness Treatments for Children and Adolescents
Greco, L.A., and Hayes, S.C. (2008). Acceptance and Mindfulness Treatments for Children and Adolescents. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications. Acceptance and mindfulness based treatments are identified within the field of third-generation behaviour therapies. These approaches seek to move beyond traditional behavioural and cognitive concepts to acknowledge contextual aspects. Acceptance and Mindfulness Treatments for Children and […]
- December 25, 2013
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- 3299
- Book Reviews, Children & Adolescents, Counselling Therapies
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Graduate Story: Bernie Turnbull
AIPC Graduate Bernie Turnbull shares her story… “I never really thought about a job as a counsellor until I went through my own traumatic experience in my mid-thirties. My husband and I started trying for a child in 2003, but we had 6 miscarriages over the course of seven years. During this period, we had […]
- December 20, 2013
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- 3022
- Graduate Stories
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A Brief Comparison of Psychologies
What is it about a counselling or psychotherapy process that makes people change? In other words: what are the mechanisms of therapy? What does the paradigm supporting a given school of psychology assume about the nature of human beings and therefore how they can change? What are the main concepts of a given psychology and […]
- December 17, 2013
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- 3468
- Counselling Therapies, Videos
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Sleep and wellbeing
Sleep is essential for health and well-being. But millions of people don’t get enough, resulting in such problems as daytime sleepiness, poor decision-making, interference with learning and accidents. The American Psychological Association’s page on “Sleep” includes a range of articles with scientific information on sleep-related issues, and tips on how to sleep better? Other popular […]
- November 7, 2013
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- 2658
- Stress Management, Wellness
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ACT: Definitions, Goals and Underlying Philosophy
Acceptance and commitment therapy (usually pronounced as the word “act” rather than the initials “A-C-T”) is a form of clinical behavioural analysis developed in 1986 by psychologists Steven Hayes, Kelly Wilson, and Kirk Strosahl. Originally called comprehensive distancing, it gets its current name from one of its core messages: the injunction to accept what is […]
- October 11, 2013
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- 14479
- Counselling Therapies, Stress Management
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Psychological First Aid Program Released
Mental Health Academy – the largest provider of continuing professional development (CPD) education for the mental health industry in Australia – have just released a comprehensive program focusing on Psychological First Aid in disaster relief settings or situations of narrower-scale adversity. The Psychological First Aid program is a quality 10-hour course developed by MHA in […]
- September 24, 2013
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- 3683
- News & Events, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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AIPC on YouTube
Want to watch personal and professional development videos, student interviews, conversations with employers of AIPC graduates, and inspirational stories from current and past students? Now you can do that, and much more, with the new AIPC YouTube Channel. Just visit the link below and make sure you click the “Subscribe” button to receive updates each […]
- September 11, 2013
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- 3086
- News & Events
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) are said to affect two to three percent of the population for OCD (that is: more than 500,000 Australians) and one percent for OCPD, although three to ten percent of the psychiatric population is said to have it (Long, 2011). Many cases probably go untreated. Definitions If […]
- August 12, 2013
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- 7727
- Clinical Mental Health, Diagnosis & Treatment, Stress Management
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How Should Psychologists Engage with the Consequences of Poverty?
According to the World Health Organization website, “approximately 1.2 billion people in the world live in extreme poverty (on less than one dollar per day)” (http://bit.ly/173Mwtu accessed 30 May 2013). According to the World Bank web site “2.4 billion live on less than US $2 a day, the average poverty line in developing countries” and […]
- August 1, 2013
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- 2704
- Multicultural Issues, Stress Management
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