Dementia Australia estimates that in 2019 there are 447,115 Australians living with dementia, a number expected to rise to nearly 600,000 by 2028 and over a million by 2058. Currently in Australia, 250 people join the population with dementia every day. There are about 5.4 million Americans with it (Godman, 2016; Mercola, 2017) and the […]
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Ageing Issues
Volunteering for Seniors
As the population ages in nations such as Australia and the United States, increasing numbers of offspring wonder how to help their retired, now lonely, and often depressed parent. Some of these may ask you for advice on how to help their beloved mum or dad. Of course, health problems must be tended to, but […]
- March 15, 2018
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- 4756
- Ageing Issues, Spirituality & Religion, Wellness
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Ten Commandments of Brain Fitness
Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it helps to keep us human beings alive, brain-wise. The basic idea of mind/brain fitness is to give your brain the best workout possible (to keep it growing and developing) by continuing to challenge it. The moment you find something is second nature, that is the moment to […]
- May 24, 2017
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- 5794
- Ageing Issues, Neuroscience, Personal Effectiveness, Wellness
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How to Close the Chronic Pain Pathway
We’would like to introduce you to two people; in fact, more than introduce you. For the next several minutes, we’would like you to become these people. The first is a chronic pain patient, and the second is the family member caring for that patient. The patient We’ll call you Chris. You are of working age […]
- July 22, 2015
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- 3387
- Ageing Issues, Disability Issues, Wellness
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Good Things Come in Old Packages
Right from an early age, we get a clear message from the world around us that being old isn’t so great, at least in Western society. Our mothers worry about getting wrinkles and use day creams, night creams, vitamin creams and highly scientific, or perhaps natural and organic, concoctions to cover up the visible signs […]
- January 12, 2015
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- 2748
- Ageing Issues, Lifespan Development, Relationship & Families
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What Can Depressed Seniors Do to Alleviate their Own Depression?
As a counsellor/therapist, doctor, allied health professional (or just a caregiver) of a depressed older adult, you are undoubtedly wondering what you can do to encourage them to help themselves. The following list is a compilation of strategies and tips culled from sites specialising in caring for the depressed elderly. You may wish to discuss […]
- December 23, 2014
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- 4613
- Ageing Issues, Clinical Mental Health, Wellness
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Supporting People with Chronic Pain
Have you ever had a period in your life when the main thing you recall from it was the relentless pain? What about a period when you were a caregiver for someone with chronic pain? In this video, Richard Hill talks about supporting those who are dealing with chronic pain, whether the person supported is […]
- March 14, 2014
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- 2605
- Ageing Issues, Disability Issues, Stress Management, Videos
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Basics of Chronic Pain: Definition and Statistics
Chronic pain affects 29 percent of Australians, which means that at any given time nearly three out of ten people are suffering in some way (Stollznow Research for Pfizer Australia, 2010). When we add the emotional, physical, and financial challenges of the people who care for them, the percentage of lives touched by chronic pain […]
- July 23, 2013
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- 3487
- Ageing Issues, Clinical Mental Health, Disability Issues, Wellness
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Book Review: Counselling Older People with Alcohol Problems
Mike Fox, Lesley Wilson (2011). Jessica Kingsley Publishing. Australia, like other developed countries, has a rapidly ageing population. Over the next 50 years the Australian Bureau of Statistic (2000) predicts that the number of older Australians is expected to increase to 6.5 million, representing approximately 25% of the total population. Whilst the use and abuse […]
- May 28, 2013
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- 3509
- Addictions, Ageing Issues, Book Reviews
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Dealing Effectively with Loneliness
Loneliness is such a subjective concept and what really is important here is the degree to which loneliness is affecting one’s life and/or a family’s life where relevant. What age is the person, because life goals and needs are often quite different for different age groups and for people with different priorities at different stages […]
- August 24, 2009
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- 4353
- Ageing Issues, Counselling Theory & Process, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Loneliness, Depression and Negative Thinking Patterns
In the previous post we explored some aspects of both loneliness and depression. The causes of each often have their basic roots in the way that modern life has progressed, particularly where ways of protecting oneself against being alone, feeling down and worthless and so on have been eroded. Isolation from others (geographic, social, emotional), […]
- August 20, 2009
- 0
- 8005
- Ageing Issues, Clinical Mental Health, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Loneliness: Risk and Protective Factors
According to Michael Flood’s report (2005) titled ‘Loneliness in Australia’, the following facts are relevant about loneliness: Men of all ages are more likely to suffer from loneliness; Among men between the ages of 25-44 and who live alone, they report significantly lower levels of support and friendship than men who live with others. Interestingly […]
- August 18, 2009
- 2
- 6251
- Ageing Issues, Clinical Mental Health, Stress Management
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Losing a Loved One: Secondary Losses
Losing a loved one can bring about many unexpected changes. When the deceased is someone extremely close like a partner or family member, the loss brings with it other or secondary losses which impact on the lives of the surviving family members. The personal experience of loss should be looked at individually, as no two […]
- March 6, 2008
- 0
- 3407
- Ageing Issues, Loss & Grief, Relationship & Families, Spirituality & Religion
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Losing a Loved One: Stages of Grief
As complicated as it sounds, grief is a process which can be worked through. A famous psychiatrist, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross is recognised as one of the foremost authorities in the field of death and dying. Her first book, On Death and Dying is required reading in many universities in the schools of medicine and social sciences. […]
- March 5, 2008
- 0
- 3393
- Ageing Issues, Loss & Grief, Relationship & Families
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Series: Coping with Transitions in Life
“It isn’t so much that hard times are coming; the change observed is mostly soft times going” ~ Groucho Marx (cited in The New International Websters Pocket Quotation Dictionary, 1997: 36) Transition is often seen as being synonymous with change. Transition as a term tends to have a more organic quality to it (as distinct […]
- January 22, 2008
- 1
- 5949
- Ageing Issues, Lifespan Development, Stress Management
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