The essential features of Bulimia Nervosa are binge eating and inappropriate compensatory methods to prevent weight gain at least twice a week for at least three months. The self-evaluation of people with Bulimia Nervosa is excessively influenced by body shape and weight. A binge is defined as eating in a discrete period of time (usually […]
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Children & Adolescents
Anorexia Nervosa
MacLeod (1981) states people with anorexia are notoriously difficult persons who are determined to hang on to their symptoms at all costs. This is a common view throughout the medical profession and related fields, possibly due to the ego-syntonic nature of eating disorders – the person is comfortable with the disorder and views it as […]
- November 15, 2007
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- 3425
- Children & Adolescents, Clinical Mental Health, Diagnosis & Treatment
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The Starvation Syndrome
One of the most important advancements in the understanding of eating disorders is the recognition that many of the symptoms once thought to be primary features of anorexia nervosa are actually symptoms of starvation. An experimental study, conducted and published 50 years ago by Ancel Keys and his colleagues at the University of Minnesota (Keys, […]
- November 12, 2007
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- 8875
- Children & Adolescents, Clinical Mental Health
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Stages of an Eating Disorder
Lemberg (1992) also proposes a model of development whereby a person moves from voluntary dieting through a number of stages to reach a fully entrenched eating disorder. Stage 1: Normal, voluntary dieting behaviour. Unfortunately dieting behaviours have become the “norm”, with 47% of people in Australia having tried to lose weight in the past twelve […]
- November 5, 2007
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- Children & Adolescents, Clinical Mental Health
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Series: Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are complex, multifaceted physical and mental health problems. Their development usually involves a number of different contributing and perpetuating factors. The exact processes are unclear and is it uncertain how they interact to develop or maintain an eating disorder (Fairburn & Harrison, 2003). Contributing factors could include one or a combination of physical, […]
- November 1, 2007
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- Children & Adolescents, Clinical Mental Health
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Children and Relationship Breakdown
What happens for children when their parents separate? Children can react very differently to separation or divorce. The way they react depends on a number of things, but two important factors are the age of the child and the degree of conflict and animosity between the parents. There is no doubt this is a stressful […]
- July 19, 2007
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- Children & Adolescents, Relationship & Families
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The Impact of Child Sexual Abuse: Conclusion & References
In conclusion, it is evidenced from the above discussion that CSA is a complex and perplexing phenomenon. Whilst definition and methodological issues present problems in the research and clinical arenas, most professionals in the field agree that CSA is a highly destructive and problematic experience for the majority of survivors. Lack of clarity surrounding a […]
- June 15, 2007
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- Children & Adolescents, Relationship & Families, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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The Impact of Child Sexual Abuse: Long-Term Effects
Some research has found that around one-third of children may not show any negative effects of CSA straight away (Kendall-Tackett et al., 1993; Mannarino & Cohen, 1986). This does not necessarily mean, however, that these children are not affected by the abuse, or that they do not experience problems later on. Several interpretations of these […]
- June 14, 2007
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- 2820
- Children & Adolescents, Relationship & Families, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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The Impact of Child Sexual Abuse: Gender Issues
Studies concerning gender differences amongst CSA girls and boys have reported somewhat mixed results. Some researchers have concluded that males react in more neutral, or even positive, ways to Child Sexual Abuse compared to girls (Bauserman & Rind, 1997). However many studies have found that children of both genders exhibit a range of negative effects […]
- June 12, 2007
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- 2690
- Children & Adolescents, Relationship & Families, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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The Impact of Child Sexual Abuse: Effects
Research into the effects of CSA has produced varied and often conflicting results. While some investigators have stated that they found CSA victims to be only “slightly less well adjusted than controls” (Rind et al., 1998, p. 22), most researchers agree that the emotional, psychological, and social impact of CSA is often very serious and […]
- June 8, 2007
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- 2383
- Children & Adolescents, Relationship & Families, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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The Impact of Child Sexual Abuse: Definition
Initial consideration of a definition of CSA may seem straight forward. For example, the anal rape of a three year old elicits highly emotive feelings, and most would not hesitate to label this as CSA. However, the problems with definition appear to lie more in the periphery. Details such as the age of the victim, […]
- June 6, 2007
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- 2214
- Children & Adolescents, Relationship & Families, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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Series: The Impact of Child Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse (CSA) has received increasing recognition as an important social issue over the past couple of decades (Webster, 2001). While reports of CSA are certainly increasing, it is unclear as to whether this is due to an actual increase in occurrence, or merely a greater awareness in the community and reporting to the […]
- June 4, 2007
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- 2395
- Children & Adolescents, Relationship & Families, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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Counselling Dilemma: An Adolescent Client
You have been counselling a family for 2 months and you have reached the end of your program with them. Both the mother and father are satisfied with the outcomes of the therapy, however their teenage son would like to continue to see you. He has specified that he would like to continue therapy about […]
- May 23, 2007
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- 5343
- Children & Adolescents, Counselling Dilemmas, Ethics & Legal Issues, Relationship & Families
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Blogs and Teenagers: Conclusion, Terminology and Bibliography
Blogs provide an unprecedented opportunity for anyone interested in studying the human condition to learn more about the lives of others. In this regard the blogging community is able to provide mental health professionals with a unique opportunity to learn more about how people think, live and feel. With regard to teenagers, positive aspects of […]
- May 8, 2007
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- Children & Adolescents, Technology & Social Media
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Blogs and Teenagers: Teenage Blogging
One place that many adolescents spend a lot of time is online (Herring, Kouper, et al 2004). Being online allows them the opportunity to embark on self-discovery, connect with others, experiment with gender and learn about the world. Many adolescents have embraced blogging, and some studies suggest that almost half of all blogs are created […]
- May 7, 2007
- 3
- 5486
- Children & Adolescents, Technology & Social Media
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