Mindfulness (learn more about mindfulness here) interventions have been shown to be beneficial for a wide range of psychological and physical conditions such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, personality disorders, and addictions. Controlled trials of normal populations have also demonstrated positive changes in brain function and immune response, self-awareness, perceived stress, and increase in self-compassion […]
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Counselling Theory & Process
Common Stages of Disaster Recovery
Disasters and mass disruptive events can be extremely unpredictable and chaotic. Even though that is a valid characterisation of catastrophe, disaster experts have discerned a general pattern or cycle of phases that a community and the individuals in it go through from the time of impact of a disaster to establishing a newly reconstructed life. […]
- May 26, 2014
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- 31596
- Counselling Theory & Process, Loss & Grief, Multicultural Issues, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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Core Actions of Psychological First Aid
In the first video of this two-part series (Principles of Psychological First Aid), Richard Hill looked at the five principles that are the basis for all Psychological First Aid: that is, promoting safety, calmness, self-efficacy, connectedness, and hope. In this talk, Richard will be putting you into the field: that is, the explorations will take […]
- April 11, 2014
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- 4404
- Counselling Theory & Process, Loss & Grief, Multicultural Issues, Stress Management, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health, Videos
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Principles of Psychological First Aid
Psychological First Aid is a means of providing psychosocial support to individuals and families immediately after a disaster, terrorist or traumatic event, or other emergency. It consists of a set of helping actions which are systematically undertaken in order to reduce initial post-trauma distress and to support short- and long-term adaptive functioning. Based on the […]
- April 4, 2014
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- 7507
- Counselling Theory & Process, Loss & Grief, Multicultural Issues, Stress Management, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health, Videos
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Transference and Projection
The phenomena of transference and projection, although solidly accepted in the analytical and psychodynamic schools of psychology in which they originated, are nevertheless complex and often misunderstood concepts. Yet some claim that projection is the single most important phenomenon in psychotherapy. In this video, Richard Hill helps you understand what transference and projection are, how […]
- March 27, 2014
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- 9396
- Counselling Theory & Process, Ethics & Legal Issues, Videos
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Romancing Our Shadow
Shadow, the hidden component of our character which we have consigned to the dark recesses of our psyche, comes out inexplicably and horribly at times, embarrassing us, surprising us, and – if we are attuned to it – offering us the possibility of deeper insights into our true selves. And just as it does this […]
- March 21, 2014
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- 2370
- Counselling Theory & Process, Videos
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Professor Windy Dryden on REBT
Professor Windy Dryden, author of nearly 200 books, discusses how his journey through the world of psychology led to his enthusiastic adoption of the precepts and practice of REBT. REBT is one of the most thoroughly researched and widely used therapeutic approaches in the UK today, and has also been called ‘applied philosophy’ for its […]
- June 28, 2013
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- 3781
- Counselling Theory & Process, Counselling Therapies, Videos
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Origins of Psychosynthesis
Developed by Italian psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli, Psychosynthesis is an approach to psychology which studies a person as both a personality and a soul. In this article we explore the origins of Psychosynthesis. Assagioli, like Carl Jung, was trained in Freudian methods of Psychoanalysis, but by the time he wrote his doctoral thesis in 1910, Assagioli […]
- June 6, 2013
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- 3721
- Counselling Theory & Process, Counselling Therapies, Spirituality & Religion
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Counselling Dilemma: Dual Relationship Boundaries
You have been working with a client for the last 3 months on rebuilding his life and re-integrating into society after having spent 6 years in prison for sex offences. For the last month, you have been working on issues of him frequently stealing money from his girlfriend’s wallet for drinks with his mates, him […]
- May 21, 2013
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- 22705
- Counselling Dilemmas, Counselling Theory & Process, Ethics & Legal Issues, Relationship & Families
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Coaching Scenario: Negative and Pessimistic Thoughts
A client comes to you with a common problem: he cannot find anything positive in his life. “My friends and family complain that my glass is always half empty. My negativity is getting me down. How can I get out of this negative space that seems to occupy my thought, my language and my attitude […]
- March 6, 2013
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- 12394
- Coaching Scenarios, Counselling Theory & Process, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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A Summary of Eight Counselling Microskills
In this post we summarise the following eight fundamental skills that alone or together can help a client to access their deepest thoughts or clarify their future dreams: Attending Behaviour Questioning Responding Noting and Reflecting Client Observation Confrontation Focusing Influencing Attending Behaviour Attending behaviours encourage clients to talk and show that the counsellor is interested […]
- August 9, 2012
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- Counselling Theory & Process
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Positive Psychology and Resilience
What makes one person ‘bounce back’ following adversity and another person seem to ‘crumble in a heap’? This question has always posed a fascination for me. I have often wondered whether individuals are simply born with the skills to cope with the difficulties that life often presents or whether there are a set of stress-coping […]
- May 10, 2012
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- Counselling Theory & Process, Wellness
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How the Mind Works
Over the past two decades scientists have devoted much time to the human brain: how it works, why it works, and how it impacts human and animal behaviour. As a result, it is hard to keep up with the latest research! To help you out, we looked around for websites that publish regular, free, and […]
- April 18, 2012
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- Counselling Theory & Process
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Symptoms and Behaviours of Unresolved Grief
Lindemann (1944), Lazare (1979) and Worden (2005) have identified numerous symptoms and behaviours that indicate unresolved / complicated grief. While many of the symptoms identified can be considered ordinary during the more acute earlier phase of grief, they are considered major signs of unresolved / complicated grief if they remain for unusually prolonged periods of […]
- March 22, 2012
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- 27598
- Counselling Theory & Process, Loss & Grief
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Counselling Goals and Models of Group Therapy
Behavioural therapists have identified two primary goals of group therapy. These are process goals and outcome goals. Process goals refer to goals that are related to the group process. For example, process goals can be to help members improve their comfort level in the group, to increase openness in the group, and to learn to […]
- March 1, 2011
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- 38223
- Counselling Theory & Process, Group Work
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