How accurately can you predict how you come across? Are you good at picking up how you are feeling and how this affects those around you? How well do you consciously know and understand yourself including your feelings, wants, goals, desires and motivations? Self-awareness is paramount to Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Emotional Regulation (ER) and […]
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Coaching Scenarios
Integrating Your Counselling
Integrated therapy Many experienced counsellors (if not all) don’t use any one single modality of therapy in their counselling but rather use a combination of approaches, techniques and ideas taken from numerous different disciplines. One of the key observations in ‘Effective Psychotherapists’ (Miller and Moyers, 2012) is that, alongside modality, rapport is what produces effective […]
Use Self Determination Theory to help counsel clients experiencing issues at work
I have previously written about Self Determination theory (SDT) concerning understanding client motivation (Simper, 2023). Here, we consider the potential benefits of applying SDT within counselling interactions and focus primarily on clients with work issues. Self-determination theory (SDT) is a psychological framework developed by Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan that focuses on human […]
Coaching Scenario: Negative and Pessimistic Thoughts
A client comes to you with a common problem: he cannot find anything positive in his life. “My friends and family complain that my glass is always half empty. My negativity is getting me down. How can I get out of this negative space that seems to occupy my thought, my language and my attitude […]
- March 6, 2013
- 1
- 12395
- Coaching Scenarios, Counselling Theory & Process, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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Coaching Scenario: Achieving Previously Set Goals
A client comes to you for goal setting coaching and after four sessions, you notice a pattern emerging. The client has enthusiasm in setting goals, but during reviews of progress, the client consistently tells you that he has not achieved any process goals because “something always comes up.” Client says he finds himself easily swayed […]
- February 22, 2013
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- 9628
- Coaching Scenarios, Personal Effectiveness
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Coaching Scenario: Effectiveness in the Workplace
Michael comes to you to assist him in being more effective in the workplace. He has recently started in a new position and finds it difficult to communicate with his manager who does not seem to have time for him. As the coach, how would you help this client? There are a couple of issues […]
- February 13, 2013
- 0
- 8982
- Coaching Scenarios, Personal Effectiveness, Workplace Issues
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