Compassion Fatigue (CF), Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) and Vicarious Trauma (VT) have all been highlighted in the research literature as risks for counsellors, psychologists, and other mental health professionals (Sutton, et al, 2022). In the current post-pandemic era, burnout amongst mental health workers is a subject more prevalent than ever and subsequently has been studied […]
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Self-harming & Suicide
Digital Self-harm and Adolescent Angst
“U R ugly, fat, and stupid.” “The world is too good a place for U – ur pathetic.” “Why don’t you just kill ur self and make us all happier?” These hurtful, horrible messages and many others like them are well-known to kids and teens who have been cyberbullied. Parents, teachers, counsellors, and school authorities, […]
- March 18, 2019
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- 10036
- Children & Adolescents, Clinical Mental Health, Self-harming & Suicide, Technology & Social Media
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The Ten Commandments of Grief Counselling
Suicide is a significant public health problem, and properly supporting those left behind — the survivors — is a challenging but significant contribution to the wellbeing of the whole community. If a suicide-bereaved person wound up in your therapy room, what counselling tasks would need to be worked through with them? In this post we […]
- December 15, 2014
- 1
- 22832
- Loss & Grief, Self-harming & Suicide
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The Reactions of Grief and Mourning for the Suicide-bereaved
There are perhaps few human events which generate as many emotions and as intense a set of reactions as someone ending their own life. We can divide the reactions into two categories: those which tend to occur early in the grieving, and those which are ongoing. In this post we explore the early reactions of […]
- September 22, 2014
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- 5145
- Clinical Mental Health, Loss & Grief, Self-harming & Suicide
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WHO Report on Suicide Prevention
Every 40 seconds a person dies by suicide somewhere in the world. “Preventing suicide: a global imperative” is the first WHO report of its kind. It aims to increase awareness of the public health significance of suicide and suicide attempts, to make suicide prevention a higher priority on the global public health agenda, and to […]
- September 12, 2014
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- 3176
- Clinical Mental Health, Multicultural Issues, Self-harming & Suicide
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Tips to Support the Suicide-bereaved
If you have a friend, family member, or other acquaintance struggling with bereavement of suicide, how can you best offer support? What attitudes, translated into caring actions, can best facilitate the bereaved person’s coping in the immediate and short term, and their healing in the longer term? Because of the remaining societal stigma and also […]
- August 11, 2014
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- 5753
- Loss & Grief, Relationship & Families, Self-harming & Suicide
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Counselling Dilemma: A Teenager at Risk of Suicide
Chantelle is 14 and in foster care. Chantelle was removed from her parents’ care at the age of seven and has since had several foster placements. Her last care arrangement ended, one month ago, when her foster family relocated interstate. Child protection workers have found a new foster placement for Chantelle and you have been […]
- February 15, 2011
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- 7214
- Children & Adolescents, Clinical Mental Health, Counselling Dilemmas, Self-harming & Suicide
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Suicide: Impulsive vs Planned
Suicide is a serious health problem. The World Health Organization estimates that one suicide attempt occurs every three seconds and one completed suicide occurs approximately every minute (WHO, 2000). Each day, approximately 210 Australians attempt to end their life and each year over 2500 will commit suicide. Suicide in Australia kills 8.5 times more people […]
- April 8, 2010
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- 8613
- Self-harming & Suicide
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Resilience and Suicide Prevention
The literature clearly point to the fact that there are certain factors that protect youth or build resilience in youth against suicide. According to Fuller, McGraw and Goodyear (cited in Rowling, Martin & Walker, 2001, 85-86): ‘The factors that protect young people against suicidal behaviour include social support and their relationships with family and peers, […]
- December 13, 2007
- 0
- 3363
- Children & Adolescents, Relationship & Families, Self-harming & Suicide
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