If you’ve ever been stressed, anxious, or just feeling a little blue, you know that it can be tough to find the motivation to get out of the house and into nature. But check this out: several studies have found that being in nature for even short periods of time can have a positive effect […]
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Stress Management
Managing Different Parts of Yourself
In this article we will highlight some useful models for working with clients’ ‘Parts’. Numerous psychological theory models seek to describe and explain the functioning of, the different aspects of our neurophysiology/personality and these in turn are used to explain our thoughts, emotions, and behaviour. Examples early on include Freud’s id, ego and super-ego and later on […]
- July 23, 2024
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- 1704
- Blog Posts, Career Development, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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How does being a counsellor affect your mental health?
Compassion Fatigue (CF), Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) and Vicarious Trauma (VT) have all been highlighted in the research literature as risks for counsellors, psychologists, and other mental health professionals (Sutton, et al, 2022). In the current post-pandemic era, burnout amongst mental health workers is a subject more prevalent than ever and subsequently has been studied […]
Self-Awareness, Emotional Regulation and Empathy
How accurately can you predict how you come across? Are you good at picking up how you are feeling and how this affects those around you? How well do you consciously know and understand yourself including your feelings, wants, goals, desires and motivations? Self-awareness is paramount to Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Emotional Regulation (ER) and […]
- October 17, 2022
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- 11138
- Counselling Theory & Process, Stress Management, Uncategorized, Wellness
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Using Mindfulness Techniques in Counselling
Whether the approach is highly structured or not, and whether the practices are formal or informal, bringing mindfulness into helping roles has several general principles. This article explores these, along with some of the benefits, limitations and contraindications of mindfulness practices.
- May 3, 2022
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- 9155
- Counselling Theory & Process, Counselling Therapies, Stress Management, Wellness
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Workplace Burnout: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
In recent times, the lines between work and home life have become increasingly blurred. The pandemic has seen many of us working longer hours, worrying about job security, looking after children during the working day, or experiencing significant changes in our means of social interaction. In this article, we explore the important topic of workplace burnout, and offer strategies to handle it.
- March 16, 2022
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- 8501
- Stress Management, Workplace Issues
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Dealing with the Lockdown Blues
Nobody likes being inside on a beautiful sunny day; but lately, as we’re sure you’ve noticed, some state governments – as well as some other countries – have been mandating people to do so. For some, this situation offers a welcome break from work, more time with their families, and other holiday-esque perks. For others, however, this curb on social interaction is proving to be a significant catalyst for mental health concerns. In this article we discuss the detrimental mental health effects of lockdowns, and strategies to deal with it.
- November 25, 2021
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- 3017
- Stress Management, Wellness
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Enhancing Wellbeing in the Workplace
The morning alarm jolts you awake, and you roll over to swat the snooze button – just like that, Monday has come again, along with another working week. You mourn the freedoms of the weekend and drag yourself out of bed whilst wondering why your alarm’s tone is so irritating. “I need coffee”, you think. […]
- March 30, 2021
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- 5037
- Stress Management, Wellness, Workplace Issues
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Identifying and Managing Therapist Burnout
It’s a new year, we’ve all renewed ourselves with a fabulous holiday break, and we’re raring to go again, having said goodbye to the factors stressing us in 2020, right? Or maybe not. Much of the developed world has, at this writing, only recently come out of lockdown from the COVID-19 pandemic, and many countries […]
- March 1, 2021
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- 7310
- Stress Management, Wellness, Workplace Issues
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Take the Mindful Path to Self-Care
Imagine a self-care strategy which relies solely on you. It can be done in a quiet space or on-the-go; it can take place individually or with like-minded others; and it can be flexible to your needs and circumstances. Furthermore, in a time when uncertainty never feels too far away, it is unlikely to become a casualty of lockdown or physical distancing. Within a working context, if utilised properly, this self-care strategy can enable you to become a better helping professional, as well as inform and improve upon your interactions and practices with clients. Welcome to the world of mindfulness.
- February 3, 2021
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- 6778
- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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COVID-19, Fear and What Counsellors Can Do to Help
A member of our writing team related the following experience during these times of near-lockdown. She had gone out to do some essentials such as grocery shopping and getting prescriptions filled for her healthy but self-isolating husband. Returning home, she threw down her things, wailed, “It’s just awful”, and burst into tears. Her astonished husband […]
- April 3, 2020
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- 19345
- Loss & Grief, Stress Management, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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Living a Mindful Life: Mindfulness Program
For quite some time now, many of our readers and students have wanted a Mindfulness program that not only teaches them about Mindfulness, but progressively helps them integrate Mindfulness into their lives for enhanced wellbeing. Well, we listened, and now we’re delivering! The resultant program is Living a Mindful Life. Living a Mindful Life This was […]
- March 11, 2020
- 1
- 3237
- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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Manipulation: Recognising and Responding to It
You know the feeling. The person seems to be making a reasonable request, or advising you to do something “for your own good”, but inside your guts are completely churned up! What’s going on? The chances are that you are experiencing an attempt to manipulate you. Sadly, manipulation is rife in the real world and […]
- June 28, 2019
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- 45087
- Relationship & Families, Stress Management, Wellness
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Why Counsellors Need Mental Health Therapy
Have you ever sat in session, listening to your client explain why they were angsty over some issue, only to find that you experienced a rising panic and sense of helplessness — because you, too, were dealing with the same issue? Have you ever finished a session with a deeply depressed client, only to find […]
- May 14, 2019
- 4
- 19033
- Counselling Theory & Process, Personal Effectiveness, Private Practice, Stress Management
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Forgiveness Work: Issues and Modalities to Use
Many people view a new year as a clean slate: a chance to start afresh, including emotionally. For some this includes healing from past hurts which may have kept the person from moving forward in life. If a client comes to you with forgiveness on her mind — and, perhaps, whether she should or should […]
- January 7, 2019
- 0
- 9219
- Counselling Therapies, Relationship & Families, Stress Management, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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