“Relapse prevention began with the work of Marlatt and Parks (1982) and Marlatt and Gordon (1985) who noted that after success with the treatment of various behavioural problems – such as smoking, drinking, overeating, drug addiction, obsessive compulsive disorder and gambling – clients very often fell back into their old behaviours. In fact, between 50% […]
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Stress Management
Stress, PTSD and PDSD
Many of us already know that stress is a double edge sword. Stress can be good for us when preparing us for a special or threatening event. Many will be familiar with the concept of the Fight and Flight Syndrome. When a threat is perceived, our brain and body prepares to do battle or to […]
- October 29, 2009
- 3
- 79260
- Diagnosis & Treatment, Stress Management, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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Relaxation Strategies for Counsellors
It is important to be aware of the way in which stress may be impacting on you and your counselling work. Which aspects of you are more susceptible to the influence of stress? Relaxation strategies “What do you find relaxing? Is it dancing, art, meditation, fishing, going for a walk with friends, reading a book, […]
- October 26, 2009
- 0
- 5305
- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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Finding Balance Between Work and Life
According to the Australian National Occupational Health and Safety Commission Report, December 2003, high stress levels lead to thousands of stress-related WorkCover claims every year. Cases of mental stress had by far the highest median (8.5 weeks) and average (16 weeks) time lost, and accounted for 29% of all new cases of disease. This is […]
- September 30, 2009
- 0
- 6324
- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Workplace Issues
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What is Burnout?
Burnout is a syndrome which occurs due to prolonged emotional strain of dealing extensively with other human beings, particularly in helper and recipient relationships. Burnout is categorised as a type of stress. Unlike normal workplace stress which predominately affects individuals physically, burnout affects individuals emotionally. The term burnout was introduced in the 1970’s, and although […]
- September 10, 2009
- 1
- 22918
- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Workplace Issues
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Dealing Effectively with Loneliness
Loneliness is such a subjective concept and what really is important here is the degree to which loneliness is affecting one’s life and/or a family’s life where relevant. What age is the person, because life goals and needs are often quite different for different age groups and for people with different priorities at different stages […]
- August 24, 2009
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- 4354
- Ageing Issues, Counselling Theory & Process, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Loneliness, Depression and Negative Thinking Patterns
In the previous post we explored some aspects of both loneliness and depression. The causes of each often have their basic roots in the way that modern life has progressed, particularly where ways of protecting oneself against being alone, feeling down and worthless and so on have been eroded. Isolation from others (geographic, social, emotional), […]
- August 20, 2009
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- 8006
- Ageing Issues, Clinical Mental Health, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Loneliness: Risk and Protective Factors
According to Michael Flood’s report (2005) titled ‘Loneliness in Australia’, the following facts are relevant about loneliness: Men of all ages are more likely to suffer from loneliness; Among men between the ages of 25-44 and who live alone, they report significantly lower levels of support and friendship than men who live with others. Interestingly […]
- August 18, 2009
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- 6252
- Ageing Issues, Clinical Mental Health, Stress Management
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Journalling as a Tool to Reduce Stress
Journalling is a way of tracking the development of our thoughts and feelings. It enables us to not only record our journey but also to write down our goals and our plans on how to reach those goals. The journal is a very powerful tool which assists us in recording our perceptions. The Journal, as […]
- August 6, 2009
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- 2925
- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Humour Makes Life Easier
Humour can be a powerful and effective mechanism for coping with stress, especially when combined with other means of stress reduction. The real power of humour and laughter shows up when you learn to use it in stressful situations. It keeps things in perspective, helps dispel negative emotions, and puts you in a frame of […]
- August 4, 2009
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- 17414
- Stress Management, Wellness
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Counselling Case Study: Managing Anxiety
Leah is a 24 year old woman who was recently discharged from the Army on medical grounds. During her four years in the Army, Leah experienced high levels of stress and anxiety which she coped with by drinking heavily. When she presented for counselling, Leah had been sober for 55 days and was seeking strategies […]
- June 5, 2009
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- 69563
- Addictions, Case Studies, Stress Management
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Book Review: Stress: Myth, Theory and Research
Jones, F., Bright, J. (2001). Stress – Myth, Theory and Research. Pearson Education Limited. ISBN: 0-130-41189-2. The sub-title of this book clearly outlines the scope of this wide-ranging study of stress. The authors, Bright from Australia and Jones from the UK, together with a range of other contributors, are experts in the field. Divided into […]
- July 28, 2008
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- 3050
- Book Reviews, Stress Management
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What is Assertiveness?
Assertiveness is the ability to express one’s feelings, opinions, beliefs and needs directly, openly and honestly, assert one’s rights whilst respecting the feelings and rights of another (Lloyd, 1998). Non-assertive individuals may be passive, aggressive or passive-aggressive. Passive clients appear to be unconcerned with their own rights and are more likely to allow others to […]
- March 31, 2008
- 2
- 15188
- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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Sudden Unemployment: Finding a New Career
Once you have dealt with the psychological and emotional consequences of losing a job, it’s time to move forward and potentially consider a new career. Here’s a four-step framework you can follow: Identifying your current skills, qualities and attitudes Goal setting to develop skills Developing your confidence in self-promotion Outlining your preferred work environments Skills, […]
- February 27, 2008
- 1
- 3344
- Career Development, Stress Management
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Rebuilding Self-Esteem After a Job Loss
“When I can no longer proudly say ‘I am a mechanic’ my self-esteem gradually wastes away. I meet a stranger and admit that I am unemployed, perhaps have been for an extended period of time and I feel that my stature diminishes from the look in their eyes. I talk about what I used to […]
- February 26, 2008
- 4
- 4185
- Career Development, Stress Management, Workplace Issues
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