As a counsellor/therapist, doctor, allied health professional (or just a caregiver) of a depressed older adult, you are undoubtedly wondering what you can do to encourage them to help themselves. The following list is a compilation of strategies and tips culled from sites specialising in caring for the depressed elderly. You may wish to discuss […]
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Book Review: Spirituality in Counseling and Psychotherapy
Johnson, Rick. (2013). Spirituality in counseling and psychotherapy: An integrative approach that empowers clients. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Spirituality in counselling and psychotherapy offers a practical exploration of the understanding and integration of spirituality in contemporary counselling. It is a practical text guiding the reader through an awareness of self and the role […]
- August 4, 2014
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- 5598
- Book Reviews, Counselling Therapies, Spirituality & Religion, Wellness
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Mindfulness Practice: Problems and Solutions
Although only recently embraced by Western psychology, mindfulness practices and techniques have been part of many Eastern philosophies, such as Buddhism, Taoism, Tai Chi, Hinduism, and most martial arts, for thousands of years. The various definitions of it revolve around bringing non-judgmental consciousness to the present experience, so it can be considered the art of […]
- July 7, 2014
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- 6484
- Counselling Therapies, Spirituality & Religion, Wellness
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Mindfulness Techniques: Defusion Exercises
Mindfulness (learn more about mindfulness here) interventions have been shown to be beneficial for a wide range of psychological and physical conditions such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, personality disorders, and addictions. Controlled trials of normal populations have also demonstrated positive changes in brain function and immune response, self-awareness, perceived stress, and increase in self-compassion […]
- June 24, 2014
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- 13651
- Clinical Mental Health, Counselling Theory & Process, Creativity in Counselling, Wellness
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Coping with Bad Memories
Dr Jeremy Dean, a psychologist and author of PsyBlog, recently wrote a blog post exploring a new technique that holds promise for those experiencing disturbing emotional flashbacks. The post offers insightful ideas — particularly for those working with trauma and grief. Here’s an abstract: A better way to deal with recurring negative memories is to […]
- April 24, 2014
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- 2636
- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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Enhancing Resilience
Have you ever wondered what it takes to survive, or even better, to thrive? Clearly, this might be a life-or-death skill!?In this video, Richard Hill talks about how you can enhance resilience: in yourself, your friends and loved ones, or – if you are a mental health helper – in your clients. Source:
- March 7, 2014
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- 2975
- Personal Effectiveness, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health, Videos, Wellness
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Helping Yourself Get Past the Blues
You can’t beat depression through sheer willpower — it is an illness after all, not a sign of weakness — but you do have some control. Here are some tips for helping yourself to overcome depression. They involve finding things you enjoy (especially some new ones), staying active, and staying connected. Some of the tips […]
- February 21, 2014
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- 6618
- Personal Effectiveness, Spirituality & Religion, Stress Management, Wellness
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Book Review: Developing Resilience
Neenan, M. (2009). Developing resilience: A cognitive-behavioural approach. East Essex, UK: Routledge. Pain, tragedy and sadness happen, how people react and recover from adverse life events can be as varied as the event itself. Why is this? How can two people experience the same incident yet one individual can fall apart and the other can […]
- December 30, 2013
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- 4028
- Book Reviews, Personal Effectiveness, Wellness
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Sleep and wellbeing
Sleep is essential for health and well-being. But millions of people don’t get enough, resulting in such problems as daytime sleepiness, poor decision-making, interference with learning and accidents. The American Psychological Association’s page on “Sleep” includes a range of articles with scientific information on sleep-related issues, and tips on how to sleep better? Other popular […]
- November 7, 2013
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- 2657
- Stress Management, Wellness
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Basics of Chronic Pain: Definition and Statistics
Chronic pain affects 29 percent of Australians, which means that at any given time nearly three out of ten people are suffering in some way (Stollznow Research for Pfizer Australia, 2010). When we add the emotional, physical, and financial challenges of the people who care for them, the percentage of lives touched by chronic pain […]
- July 23, 2013
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- 3469
- Ageing Issues, Clinical Mental Health, Disability Issues, Wellness
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Coaching Scenario: Negative and Pessimistic Thoughts
A client comes to you with a common problem: he cannot find anything positive in his life. “My friends and family complain that my glass is always half empty. My negativity is getting me down. How can I get out of this negative space that seems to occupy my thought, my language and my attitude […]
- March 6, 2013
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- 12355
- Coaching Scenarios, Counselling Theory & Process, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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Lifestyle Interventions for Depression
Treatments for depression or anxiety, also called “interventions”, fall into one of three categories, and often several are recommended to be taken up at once. These main groupings are: Medical interventions; Psychological interventions; and Lifestyle interventions. In this post we overview a range of lifestyle interventions therapists can suggest when treating depression. Bibliotherapy What is […]
- September 3, 2012
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- 5083
- Clinical Mental Health, Diagnosis & Treatment, Wellness
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Positive Psychology and Resilience
What makes one person ‘bounce back’ following adversity and another person seem to ‘crumble in a heap’? This question has always posed a fascination for me. I have often wondered whether individuals are simply born with the skills to cope with the difficulties that life often presents or whether there are a set of stress-coping […]
- May 10, 2012
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- 7425
- Counselling Theory & Process, Wellness
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Book Review: Help for the Helper
Rothschild, B. (2006). Help for the helper. The psychophysiology of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma. New York. W. W. Norton & Company. Burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma are risks that, as therapist we are aware of however whilst many of us have a toolbox full of techniques to assist our clients, we often fall […]
- January 16, 2012
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- 5421
- Book Reviews, Stress Management, Wellness
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Happiness, Positive Psychology and Wellbeing
The concept of happiness is the corner stone of the assumptions of positive psychology. Happiness is characterised by the experience of more frequent positive affective states than negative ones as well as a perception that one is progressing toward important life goals (Tkach & Lyubomirsky, 2006). Identifying factors that contribute to happiness has proven to […]
- August 30, 2010
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- Counselling Therapies, Wellness
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