You work as a counsellor for an organisation that offers counselling services to the general public. The free service is aimed at community members who cannot afford counselling services otherwise. You start counselling a young man who made an appointment with the service when he saw the advertisement in the local community newspaper. In your […]
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Counselling Dilemma: A Teenager Experiencing Study Stress
Anna is a 17 year old student in Year 12 who has come to counselling because she is not coping with the stress of her final year. Anna is from a culture where academic success is highly important and she is under intense pressure from her parents to get good grades and go to university. […]
- December 17, 2012
- 4
- 8434
- Children & Adolescents, Counselling Dilemmas, Ethics & Legal Issues, School Counselling, Stress Management
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Graduate Story: Stephen J Hawkins
AIPC Graduate Stephen J Hawkins shares his story… “Looking back as a Therapist over the last 6 years or so of my life, I must confess that if someone came to my office and shared the same story with me, I probably wouldn’t believe them!!!! My skepticism wouldn’t surround the person, or even the storyline, […]
- December 7, 2012
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- 3408
- Graduate Stories
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Do You Know a Narcissist?
During the week of pre-wedding festivities and at the wedding itself, Clifford – the groom – was the life and soul of the party. He had agreed that the wedding could be held in the native country of his fiancé, Carlotta. His few family members and friends flew in for the week of gatherings. With […]
- November 2, 2012
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- 3779
- Clinical Mental Health, Diagnosis & Treatment, Relationship & Families
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AIPC Director Conquers Mt Kilimanjaro and Raises Money for Cancer Research
t’s not every day you can make a difference, but when you get the chance there’s nothing more enriching. At 7am on Saturday 15 September, after 6 arduous days of trekking, AIPC Director, Simon Clarke, summited Mt Kilimanjaro, the largest free standing mountain in the world. And in so doing he and the 12 others […]
- October 24, 2012
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- 3598
- News & Events
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Lifestyle Interventions for Depression
Treatments for depression or anxiety, also called “interventions”, fall into one of three categories, and often several are recommended to be taken up at once. These main groupings are: Medical interventions; Psychological interventions; and Lifestyle interventions. In this post we overview a range of lifestyle interventions therapists can suggest when treating depression. Bibliotherapy What is […]
- September 3, 2012
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- 5083
- Clinical Mental Health, Diagnosis & Treatment, Wellness
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A Summary of Eight Counselling Microskills
In this post we summarise the following eight fundamental skills that alone or together can help a client to access their deepest thoughts or clarify their future dreams: Attending Behaviour Questioning Responding Noting and Reflecting Client Observation Confrontation Focusing Influencing Attending Behaviour Attending behaviours encourage clients to talk and show that the counsellor is interested […]
- August 9, 2012
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- Counselling Theory & Process
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Defining Intimacy
“Intimacy demands the highest risk but yields the richest reward. Intimacy is the driving force which makes the painful grit of life worthwhile. Intimacy is the life-giving beam of light, whereby we discover each other from the inside out, never quite fully, never entirely, but enough to find an exquisite inner oasis that replenishes us […]
- June 28, 2012
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- 7468
- Relationship & Families
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Book Review: The Gentle Self
Schoen, G. (2011). The Gentle Self: How to Overcome Your Difficulties with Depression, Anxiety, Shyness, and Low Self-Esteem. CreateSpace. I think everyone’s a little narcissistic. We all have moments when we wish everyone would be more like us?when we get upset that no one seems to care about what we are feeling.? We also often […]
- June 15, 2012
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- 2736
- Book Reviews, Diagnosis & Treatment
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Counselling Dilemma: Dealing with Therapeutic Boundaries
You work as a family counsellor for a community service organisation. As a counsellor you are required to see your clients at their own home to offer counselling support. You have been working for quite some time with Lucy, a single mother with 2 kids (boys). However, you have been unable to develop good rapport […]
- June 7, 2012
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- 11721
- Counselling Dilemmas, Ethics & Legal Issues
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A Personal Development Project
Self-improvement is paramount to personal success. And it is all about developing positive habits, and eradicating those habits and behaviours that are not conducive to growth. With that objective in mind (of creating “good” habits and eradicating “bad” ones), Benjamin Franklin developed a framework for personal development (which he coined “Plan for Attaining Moral Perfection”) consisting […]
- May 17, 2012
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- 5201
- Personal Effectiveness
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Positive Psychology and Resilience
What makes one person ‘bounce back’ following adversity and another person seem to ‘crumble in a heap’? This question has always posed a fascination for me. I have often wondered whether individuals are simply born with the skills to cope with the difficulties that life often presents or whether there are a set of stress-coping […]
- May 10, 2012
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- 7425
- Counselling Theory & Process, Wellness
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How the Mind Works
Over the past two decades scientists have devoted much time to the human brain: how it works, why it works, and how it impacts human and animal behaviour. As a result, it is hard to keep up with the latest research! To help you out, we looked around for websites that publish regular, free, and […]
- April 18, 2012
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- 13214
- Counselling Theory & Process
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Symptoms and Behaviours of Unresolved Grief
Lindemann (1944), Lazare (1979) and Worden (2005) have identified numerous symptoms and behaviours that indicate unresolved / complicated grief. While many of the symptoms identified can be considered ordinary during the more acute earlier phase of grief, they are considered major signs of unresolved / complicated grief if they remain for unusually prolonged periods of […]
- March 22, 2012
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- 27547
- Counselling Theory & Process, Loss & Grief
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Book Review: Help for the Helper
Rothschild, B. (2006). Help for the helper. The psychophysiology of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma. New York. W. W. Norton & Company. Burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma are risks that, as therapist we are aware of however whilst many of us have a toolbox full of techniques to assist our clients, we often fall […]
- January 16, 2012
- 1
- 5420
- Book Reviews, Stress Management, Wellness
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