Mediation is fast becoming a commonly accepted alternative form of dispute resolution. For most of us, we have probably heard of mediation as a tool for separating and divorcing couples to settle disputes before going to court or a process used in formal and informal industrial and workplace disputes, but there are elements of mediation […]
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The Aftermath of a Critical Incident
When we experience a threatening event, our bodies automatically respond in a way that allows us to protect ourselves or escape from the situation. This fight or flight involves an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, and breathing rate. All these changes help us to physically deal with danger or leave the situation […]
- October 14, 2010
- 0
- 3836
- Stress Management, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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Techniques in Grief Counselling
Below are examples of some useful techniques in grief counselling that stem from a range of different theoretical frames. Cognitive restructuring The underlying assumption with this approach is that our thoughts influence our feelings; particularly the secret self scripts that are constant in our minds. It is not unusual for the grieving person to experience […]
- October 11, 2010
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- 37597
- Loss & Grief
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Developing Social Skills with Play Therapy
Social skills include the ways in which the child relates to others in order to make friends, get their needs met, be assertive, employ boundaries and cooperate. In order to develop social skills effectively, it is important that the child understands and experiences different behaviours and their consequences. To achieve this in play therapy, a […]
- September 30, 2010
- 0
- 12362
- Children & Adolescents, Counselling Therapies, Creativity in Counselling
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Critical Incident Counselling
Over time, the distinction between the three terms, stress, traumatic stress, and crisis, have become blurred, thus numerous professionals started using these terms synonymously. Some authors specifically indicate that they deal with both stress and developmental crisis, but do not make distinctions between these terms/concepts. Others define their work as dealing with crisis, but take […]
- September 21, 2010
- 0
- 6426
- Stress Management, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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A Counselling Case Study Exploring Loss
Sue and Tom lost their child Jill to leukaemia approximately one year ago. Tom suggested that Sue attend Professional Counselling because she still doesn’t seem to be able to cope with everyday living. For ease of writing the Professional Counsellor is abbreviated to C. A précis of the session is as follows In the first […]
- September 17, 2010
- 6
- 86821
- Case Studies, Relationship & Families
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Book Review: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Disorders
Eifert, Georg H. Ph. D., and Forsyth, John P. Ph. D. 2005. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications Inc. There are literally hundreds of publications available, both to the counselling practitioner and lay person regarding the understanding and treatment of anxiety. Many focus on behavioural and cognitive behavioural approaches to assist in dealing with anxiety, ‘Acceptance […]
- September 17, 2010
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- 2993
- Book Reviews, Clinical Mental Health, Counselling Therapies, Diagnosis & Treatment
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Responsibilities of Counselling Supervisors
Counselling supervisors have the responsibility to provide ongoing training in the context of related supervised experiences to enable supervisees to deliver effective and ethical services. Because of this, supervisors must be well trained, knowledgeable and skilled in the practice of their profession and in clinical supervision. Failure to have appropriate supervision experience will make it […]
- September 13, 2010
- 6
- 74639
- Counselling Theory & Process, Supervision
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Types of Therapeutic Groups
Group therapy is a popular mode of therapy for both therapists and clients. Group therapy is a highly effective form of psychotherapy that is based on interdependence and interaction among the group members who mutually disclose personal material (Laski & Riva, 2006). While group therapy is sometimes used alone, it is also commonly integrated into […]
- September 8, 2010
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- 51285
- Counselling Theory & Process, Group Work
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Teaching Children to Deal with Emotions
For children to deal effectively with the experience of strong feelings, they must first know how to identify their feelings. It is important to talk to children about their feelings and help them see the link between their feelings and their behaviour. This will help them gain an understanding of how their feelings can affect […]
- September 6, 2010
- 3
- 4495
- Children & Adolescents, Creativity in Counselling
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Happiness, Positive Psychology and Wellbeing
The concept of happiness is the corner stone of the assumptions of positive psychology. Happiness is characterised by the experience of more frequent positive affective states than negative ones as well as a perception that one is progressing toward important life goals (Tkach & Lyubomirsky, 2006). Identifying factors that contribute to happiness has proven to […]
- August 30, 2010
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- 143748
- Counselling Therapies, Wellness
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Children and Emotional Development
A child’s earliest experiences with emotion most often occurs in the family setting. Consequently, the family plays an important role in the development of emotional understanding, particularly interactions between parents and children. For example, children who possess secure attachments with their parents show greater emotional understanding than those children who do not possess secure attachments […]
- August 23, 2010
- 0
- 45086
- Children & Adolescents, Lifespan Development, Relationship & Families
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Reasons for Unresolved/Complicated Grief
In this post we explore psychological and social factors that may contribute to unresolved/complicated grief. Click here for a list of symptoms and behaviours of unresolved/complicated grief. Psychological factors Anger and guilt can often be a key source of adjustment difficulties in the process of grief. Guilt can inhibit the grief process if mourners are unable […]
- August 18, 2010
- 2
- 36314
- Loss & Grief, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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Counselling Dilemma: Supporting an Anxious Child
Charlotte is 11. She has been brought along to counselling by her mother, Fran. According to Fran, Charlotte has always been a “quiet and shy” girl. Fran remarks that she is not surprised by this as she too was a reserved and anxious child. In recent weeks however, Fran has noticed that Charlotte has become […]
- August 9, 2010
- 17
- 19465
- Children & Adolescents, Counselling Dilemmas, Relationship & Families
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Anxiety and Performance
Anxiety is most often considered a problem if it occurs when there is no real threat or when the anxiety response is disproportionate to the threat being faced. However, when there is a real situation or stressor to deal with, the anxiety level might actually be appropriate. Appropriate levels of anxiety activate the organism to […]
- August 5, 2010
- 1
- 15735
- Clinical Mental Health, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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