Imagine a self-care strategy which relies solely on you. It can be done in a quiet space or on-the-go; it can take place individually or with like-minded others; and it can be flexible to your needs and circumstances. Furthermore, in a time when uncertainty never feels too far away, it is unlikely to become a casualty of lockdown or physical distancing. Within a working context, if utilised properly, this self-care strategy can enable you to become a better helping professional, as well as inform and improve upon your interactions and practices with clients. Welcome to the world of mindfulness.
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The Science Behind Habit Formation
Oh, here we go again! You’ve got a wonderful new smart phone – or maybe a computer – with all the bells and whistles, but how do you make it work? How do you get from one screen or one app to the next? Chances are, the first day will involve a bit of brainwork; you’ll notice what happens when you push this button or come to that screen and you may feel slightly clumsy working it, but after a day or two, you will be so used to the new device that you will forget how the old one operated. So, from the brain’s perspective, what just happened?
- January 7, 2021
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- 9477
- Neuroscience, Personal Effectiveness
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7 Powerful Strategies to Help Your Child Balance Their Brain Budget
This article has been republished with the permission of Superpower Kids. Superpower Kids develop fun, engaging social and emotional learning programs for children aged 5 to 10 years. You can find more informative articles like this at Superpower Kids Blog It never feels good to blow your budget and go into overdraft. Yet, going into […]
- January 5, 2021
- 1
- 3557
- Children & Adolescents, Neuroscience, Relationship & Families
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Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
Emotional intelligence (EI) has been a hot topic in business, personal development, relationships and the media for at least the past decade. While some see it as a touchy-feely or overly personal approach to leadership, many experts believe that it pays dividends in terms of productivity, performance, turnover, motivation and ultimately success. EI is the […]
- November 3, 2020
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- 6638
- Career Development, Personal Effectiveness, Workplace Issues
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Critical and Creative Thinking
In the 21st century, changes in society, economics, business, technology, science and the workforce are so rapid that many of the skills you learned in school or university will be obsolete shortly after you enter the workforce. Furthermore, unlike our parents who may have had two or three jobs in the same industry throughout their […]
- October 19, 2020
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- 8729
- Career Development, Personal Effectiveness
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Counselling and Racism: Stopping the Pandemic
For months, prior to this writing, the daily news feeds have been rife with grim updates on the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet it appears that there is a parallel pandemic occurring: that of racial discrimination unleashed because of COVID-19. Researchers at the Australian National University are inviting people to record their experiences of racism following on […]
- July 30, 2020
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- 5616
- Counselling Theory & Process, Ethics & Legal Issues, Multicultural Issues
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Counselling and Racism: Raising Our Awareness
What would be your reaction if someone you knew and respected called you a racist? Would you be gobsmacked? Bewildered as to what you could have said or done that made you seem racist? Or perhaps infuriated that someone could think that you, in all probability a staunch promoter of social justice ideals, could actually […]
- July 14, 2020
- 0
- 5880
- Counselling Theory & Process, Ethics & Legal Issues, Multicultural Issues
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Lockdown Emergence: Integrating Our Various Selves
During the rage of COVID-19, few people have been able to continue, unmodified, the daily life schedule they employed before the pandemic. The months of “sheltering-in-place” incarceration have generated some wonderful humour (witness all the jokes about home schooling and weight gain!), and more than a little reflection on what truly matters — and what, […]
- June 3, 2020
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- 4954
- Counselling Therapies, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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Just Launched: Disaster Counselling Credential Course
Disasters are on the rise. Whether it’s disasters like the recent bushfires in Australia or the current COVID-19 global pandemic, the outcomes can have enduring emotional consequences for individuals and communities. As a mental health professional, how prepared are you to work in a disaster situation and provide the best possible support? And not just […]
- April 23, 2020
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- 4322
- News & Events, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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COVID-19, Fear and What Counsellors Can Do to Help
A member of our writing team related the following experience during these times of near-lockdown. She had gone out to do some essentials such as grocery shopping and getting prescriptions filled for her healthy but self-isolating husband. Returning home, she threw down her things, wailed, “It’s just awful”, and burst into tears. Her astonished husband […]
- April 3, 2020
- 4
- 19321
- Loss & Grief, Stress Management, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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Setting Up Online Counselling: Not Just a Couple of Clicks
The purpose of counselling is generally to help people learn to live in happier, more effective ways, which more often than not means helping them learn how to come together better with other people. In these pandemic-permeated times, however, we are told by authorities that the most effective means of being with others is to […]
- March 26, 2020
- 1
- 32109
- Counselling Theory & Process, Ethics & Legal Issues, Technology & Social Media
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Living a Mindful Life: Mindfulness Program
For quite some time now, many of our readers and students have wanted a Mindfulness program that not only teaches them about Mindfulness, but progressively helps them integrate Mindfulness into their lives for enhanced wellbeing. Well, we listened, and now we’re delivering! The resultant program is Living a Mindful Life. Living a Mindful Life This was […]
- March 11, 2020
- 1
- 3222
- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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Bushfire Crisis: Resources for Mental Health Professionals
The Australian bushfire crisis has impacted millions, putting individuals, families and entire communities at higher risk of trauma and psychological/emotional distress. In response, many mental health professionals across the country are putting their hands up to assist those impacted by the disaster. To support their efforts, Mental Health Academy created a collection of freely accessible educational resources […]
- January 29, 2020
- 0
- 3945
- Children & Adolescents, Clinical Mental Health, Trauma & Disaster Mental Health
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Infidelity: Rebuilding After a Betrayal
She makes an appointment to talk about the “what next” since the affair. You assume that her spouse has been unfaithful, but when she turns up to session, she tells you that she was the one who strayed. “It felt so good at the time,” she says. “I felt more alive and sexy than I […]
- January 14, 2020
- 2
- 9975
- Loss & Grief, Relationship & Families
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Infidelity: Helping the Betrayed Partner
He sits down and looks at you dolefully, his big eyes full of hurt and desperation. “I don’t know why she cheated on me,” he whispers hoarsely, “but this is the worst hurt I have ever felt. I don’t know how I will cope, or what it means for our kids. I guess my marriage […]
- December 17, 2019
- 0
- 15433
- Loss & Grief, Relationship & Families
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