Jack is a 59 year old single male who is a manager in a busy retail firm. Jack feels that life has passed him by a bit. He is regarded as a good manager but he has no ambitions at his stage of life to advance any more. He has worked for the firm for […]
Workplace Bullying: Effective Resposes
Here are some recommendations to effectively deal with workplace bullying or harassment. In the next post, we’ll explore a case study example of preferred options. Learn about people and their personalities — so that you don’t become a serial victim of another person’s bullying or harassing behaviour. Refer back to the work of Brinkman & […]
- October 19, 2007
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Workplace Harassment: Leanne’s Case Study
The following case study is based loosely around a real story but the people and the circumstances are fictional. Leanne is a 48 year old woman who is one of two product managers in a major computer parts facility. Leanne has excellent qualifications and experience as a manager in the computer sales industry. However she […]
- October 12, 2007
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Workplace Bullying: Ineffective Responses
Defining ineffective options is really difficult because there is not a lot of research evidence to guide people about what are effective and ineffective responses to workplace harassment and bullying in context (Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, 2000: 35). Obviously becoming mentally ill and suicidal should be considered as ineffective responses and a […]
- October 9, 2007
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Bullying and Your Health
According to Field ([2002-2004, Web site (accessed 21/08/06): www.bullyonline.org/workbully/amibeing.htm): ‘Bullying causes injury to health and makes you ill. How many of these symptoms do you have? Constant high levels of stress and anxiety Frequent illness such as viral infections especially flu and glandular fever, colds, coughs, chest, ear, nose and throat infections (stress plays havoc with […]
- September 28, 2007
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Bullying Behaviours
Let’s identify some key elements of a bully in the following list, adapted from Witheridge’s (2001: 4) outline of open versus hidden bullying. Open Bullying Behaviours Physical violence Shouting or swearing at someone in public or private Instant rages over trivial matter Humiliating someone in front of colleagues Ignoring or isolating someone in public deliberately […]
- September 27, 2007
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Why Do People Harass and Bully?
Brinkman and Kirshner (2003: 7) argue that depending upon goals and intentions of people in an organisation for example certain personality characteristics and behaviours emerge depending upon what a task may entail. They claim that there are 4 intentions that people use in their lives in order to function in undertaking tasks. They include: Get […]
- September 24, 2007
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What is Bullying Then?
Source: www.bullyonline.org/workbully/amibeing.htm “Constant nit-picking, fault-finding and criticism of a trivial nature – the triviality, regularity and frequency betray bullying; often there is a grain of truth (but only a grain) in the criticism to fool you into believing the criticism has validity, which it does not; often, the criticism is based on distortion, misrepresentation or fabrication. […]
- September 20, 2007
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- Workplace Issues
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Series: Coping with Workplace Harassment
“Bullying is a compulsive need to displace aggression and is achieved by the expression of inadequacy (social, personal, interpersonal, behavioural, professional) by projection of that inadequacy onto others through control and subjugation (criticism, exclusion, isolation etc). Bullying is sustained by abdication of responsibility (denial, counter-accusation, pretence of victimhood) and perpetuated by a climate of fear, […]
- September 17, 2007
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- 8482
- Stress Management, Workplace Issues
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