Elizabeth came to counselling because she was experiencing intense anger, and was not coping with her life. She complained of failed relationships with her ex-husband, and with another man whom she left her husband to be with. Elizabeth cannot move on from the anger she feels about her failed relationships and she is feeling isolated […]
Counselling Case Study: Social Anxiety
Sasha is a 60 year old woman who has recently retired from a career in teaching. Working for many years in a secondary school environment, Sasha was confident, motivated and dedicated to her work, but at the same time looking forward to retirement so she and her husband could travel and spend more time with […]
- February 11, 2008
- 1
- 62654
- Case Studies, Clinical Mental Health, Stress Management
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A Case of Using a Person-Centred and Cognitive-Behavioural Approach to Burnout
Brett is a 36 year old man who works as an accountant for a small family business. The business is failing and Brett will probably have to begin the process of “winding it up” in the near future. His commitment to the business and his friends, the business owners, has intensified the level of stress […]
- June 26, 2007
- 0
- 24283
- Case Studies, Clinical Mental Health, Relationship & Families, Workplace Issues
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Counselling Case Study: Low Self-esteem Issues
Kate is 21 years of age and has a very poor self image; in fact she hates the way she looks. As a result, Kate has such low self esteem that it prevents her from looking for work. Kate’s mother is concerned about her daughter’s feelings and subsequent unemployment and therefore has encouraged her to […]
- May 3, 2007
- 0
- 50254
- Personal Effectiveness
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Counselling Case Study: Domestic Violence
The client, Gary, called to make his first appointment and said he was persuaded by “a mate” to attend counselling to control his anger. In short Gary was a perpetrator of physical abuse against his intimate female partner, Julie, who is 22 years of age. The couple have no children but his partner has recently […]
- March 27, 2007
- 1
- 34224
- Case Studies, Relationship & Families
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Counselling Case Study: Working with Grief
Grief is a complex and individual process. There are a number of well documented stages to the grief process such as numbness, guilt, despair, panic and acceptance to name a few. The order in which these stages are experienced and the intensity and duration of each stage will be different for each individual. It is […]
- March 15, 2007
- 0
- 25990
- Case Studies, Loss & Grief
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A Case of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Marna attended counselling to try to do “something” with her memories of child abuse that currently seem to be affecting her life. She attended twelve appointments over a six-month period. In this scenario, the professional counsellor uses an eclectic approach incorporating Humanistic, Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Abuse Literature Approaches. For ease of writing, the […]
- January 17, 2007
- 0
- 24289
- Case Studies, Children & Adolescents, Relationship & Families
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