Your 39-year-old female client seats herself and looks at you with frustration. It’s been many months now since she was diagnosed with the neurodegenerative condition, but she just can’t accept it; life is becoming impossible. Your 20-something male client suffered a relational breakup seven months ago; this was his “love of my life” and he […]
Intention to Realisation: Working with Will
The holidays are finished, the relatives have gone home, and your clients are trickling back in, many of them armed with an awesome set of resolutions for what they plan to accomplish. A brand new year is like a clean slate: hopeful, invigorating and full of promise. But the road to realisation of goals is […]
- January 2, 2019
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- 6034
- Counselling Theory & Process, Counselling Therapies, Personal Effectiveness, Spirituality & Religion
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Therapeutic and Counselling Groups
The main purpose of all counselling and therapeutic endeavours is to bring about change. When a person joins a counselling group, it is usually to learn new ways of being, interrelating, and interacting. In a therapeutic small group the specific goals for each member can be varied but would include the expectation that change will […]
- May 20, 2009
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- 3904
- Counselling Theory & Process, Group Work
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Evoking Change in a Client
There are several therapeutic approaches which are useful to improve clients’ readiness to change. It is important, however, to realise that all these strategies are based on the same suggestion: motivation to change is elicited from the client and not imposed from without. Using coercion, persuasion or constructive confrontation will achieve little if the client […]
- April 7, 2009
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- 24376
- Counselling Theory & Process, Counselling Therapies, Lifespan Development
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Coping Effectively with Change: Carla’s Case Study
Carla is a 37 year old woman who works as a manager in a large engineering firm. She is married with two children a boy aged 10 (Carlos) and girl aged 8 (Anna). Her husband Rodrigo is great with the kids and very devoted and loving to Carla but he has recently been laid off […]
- February 8, 2008
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- 3625
- Lifespan Development, Relationship & Families, Stress Management
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Effective Options to Cope with Change
Experience and the literature inform us that transitions or changes in life are inevitable and you can fight them, flee from them or preferably accept that you need to prepare for and adapt to the changes in some way. Having confidence in being able to plan for and adapt to change, by having skills and […]
- February 5, 2008
- 1
- 3393
- Lifespan Development, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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Ineffective Options to Cope with Change
It is a bit difficult to define ineffective options simply because it is easier to describe those situations where people have ineffective options to react to change. Nonetheless some ineffective options may include: Denying that a change is occurring; Not being aware of one’s environment – of change that is emerging over time; Not planning […]
- February 4, 2008
- 1
- 2941
- Lifespan Development, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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Change: Understanding Feelings and Emotions
Obviously there may be many different feelings and emotions that a person could experience depending on the situation or circumstances. One person may fear change whilst another may revel in it and enjoy the challenges. A child about to enter early adolescence may also have a sense of fear or anxiety about what changes to […]
- January 29, 2008
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- 7798
- Clinical Mental Health, Lifespan Development, Stress Management
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Positive Aspects of Change
People often avoid change; opting for predictability and control, rather than the more stoic, flowing style of embracing life’s challenges. But life is a dynamic balance of negatives and positives, and focusing on the positive aspects of change can be the difference between growing under duress and thriving in any environment, or experiencing continuing stress […]
- January 24, 2008
- 1
- 92192
- Lifespan Development, Personal Effectiveness, Wellness
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Series: Coping with Transitions in Life
“It isn’t so much that hard times are coming; the change observed is mostly soft times going” ~ Groucho Marx (cited in The New International Websters Pocket Quotation Dictionary, 1997: 36) Transition is often seen as being synonymous with change. Transition as a term tends to have a more organic quality to it (as distinct […]
- January 22, 2008
- 1
- 5929
- Ageing Issues, Lifespan Development, Stress Management
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