Mental health can be defined as a wellbeing state whereby individuals realise their own potential. They could also cope with the common stresses of life and able to work in a fruitful and productive manner while contributing to their community in positive manner (World Health Organization [WHO], n.d., as cited in Queensland Health, 2017). It […]
Coping with Holiday Stress and Anxiety
The tree is aglow with the presents all wrapped, the holiday baking is done, and Aunt Daisy has promised to be on her best behaviour. Your client is ready for Christmas — or maybe not. As the siren call of “happy holidays” beckons, many people are thrilled to come to the end of the year. […]
- December 10, 2018
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- 3723
- Relationship & Families, Spirituality & Religion, Stress Management, Wellness
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What Causes Depression and Anxiety Disorders?
Depression and anxiety are the most common of all mental illnesses, the services for which continue to grow faster than the rate of population growth. Depression and anxiety can often be managed in the general practitioner’s office, and they are the fourth most common problems brought to general practitioners. People who have either condition are […]
- June 19, 2017
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- 6367
- Clinical Mental Health, Diagnosis & Treatment
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How to Close the Chronic Pain Pathway
We’would like to introduce you to two people; in fact, more than introduce you. For the next several minutes, we’would like you to become these people. The first is a chronic pain patient, and the second is the family member caring for that patient. The patient We’ll call you Chris. You are of working age […]
- July 22, 2015
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- 3385
- Ageing Issues, Disability Issues, Wellness
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CBT in a Nutshell
We can broadly define CBT as a combination of cognitive and behavioural therapeutic approaches used to help clients modify limiting, maladaptive thoughts and behaviours, ones that are often inconsistent with consensual reality (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979). The basic premise of CBT is that troublesome emotions are difficult to change directly, so CBT targets […]
- January 27, 2015
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- 20751
- Clinical Mental Health, Counselling Therapies, Diagnosis & Treatment
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What Can Depressed Seniors Do to Alleviate their Own Depression?
As a counsellor/therapist, doctor, allied health professional (or just a caregiver) of a depressed older adult, you are undoubtedly wondering what you can do to encourage them to help themselves. The following list is a compilation of strategies and tips culled from sites specialising in caring for the depressed elderly. You may wish to discuss […]
- December 23, 2014
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- 4612
- Ageing Issues, Clinical Mental Health, Wellness
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Helping Yourself Get Past the Blues
You can’t beat depression through sheer willpower — it is an illness after all, not a sign of weakness — but you do have some control. Here are some tips for helping yourself to overcome depression. They involve finding things you enjoy (especially some new ones), staying active, and staying connected. Some of the tips […]
- February 21, 2014
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- 6635
- Personal Effectiveness, Spirituality & Religion, Stress Management, Wellness
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Lifestyle Interventions for Depression
Treatments for depression or anxiety, also called “interventions”, fall into one of three categories, and often several are recommended to be taken up at once. These main groupings are: Medical interventions; Psychological interventions; and Lifestyle interventions. In this post we overview a range of lifestyle interventions therapists can suggest when treating depression. Bibliotherapy What is […]
- September 3, 2012
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- 5099
- Clinical Mental Health, Diagnosis & Treatment, Wellness
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Psychological and Social Effects of Alcohol Abuse
“When the wine goes in, strange things come out.” ~ Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, The Piccolomini, 1799 Alcohol consumption is part of our daily lives. It is used and enjoyed in most developed and developing countries around the world. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant even though it is commonly mistaken to be […]
- May 21, 2010
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- 54270
- Clinical Mental Health, Relationship & Families
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Suicide: Impulsive vs Planned
Suicide is a serious health problem. The World Health Organization estimates that one suicide attempt occurs every three seconds and one completed suicide occurs approximately every minute (WHO, 2000). Each day, approximately 210 Australians attempt to end their life and each year over 2500 will commit suicide. Suicide in Australia kills 8.5 times more people […]
- April 8, 2010
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- 8610
- Self-harming & Suicide
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Beck Depression Inventory
The Beck Depression Inventory is copyrighted by the Psychological Corporation. Material here presented is only for educational purpose because the BDI should be used only by registered professionals. The original version of the BDI was introduced by Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock and Erbaugh in 1961 (cited in Victims’ Web, 2007). The BDI was revised in […]
- February 26, 2010
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- 6551
- Clinical Mental Health, Diagnosis & Treatment
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Preventing Depression
Prevention is defined as “interventions that occur before the initial onset of a disorder to prevent the development of disorder” (Mrazek & Haggerty, 1994, p. 23). The prevention of depression relies on reducing the risk factors for mental disorder, as well as enhancing the protective factors that promote mental health. The level of risk of […]
- November 4, 2009
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- 4972
- Clinical Mental Health, Diagnosis & Treatment
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Dealing Effectively with Loneliness
Loneliness is such a subjective concept and what really is important here is the degree to which loneliness is affecting one’s life and/or a family’s life where relevant. What age is the person, because life goals and needs are often quite different for different age groups and for people with different priorities at different stages […]
- August 24, 2009
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- 4350
- Ageing Issues, Counselling Theory & Process, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Loneliness, Depression and Negative Thinking Patterns
In the previous post we explored some aspects of both loneliness and depression. The causes of each often have their basic roots in the way that modern life has progressed, particularly where ways of protecting oneself against being alone, feeling down and worthless and so on have been eroded. Isolation from others (geographic, social, emotional), […]
- August 20, 2009
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- 7997
- Ageing Issues, Clinical Mental Health, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Loneliness: Risk and Protective Factors
According to Michael Flood’s report (2005) titled ‘Loneliness in Australia’, the following facts are relevant about loneliness: Men of all ages are more likely to suffer from loneliness; Among men between the ages of 25-44 and who live alone, they report significantly lower levels of support and friendship than men who live with others. Interestingly […]
- August 18, 2009
- 2
- 6249
- Ageing Issues, Clinical Mental Health, Stress Management
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