Nobody likes being inside on a beautiful sunny day; but lately, as we’re sure you’ve noticed, some state governments – as well as some other countries – have been mandating people to do so. For some, this situation offers a welcome break from work, more time with their families, and other holiday-esque perks. For others, however, this curb on social interaction is proving to be a significant catalyst for mental health concerns. In this article we discuss the detrimental mental health effects of lockdowns, and strategies to deal with it.
Nature’s Effect On Mental Health
If you’ve ever been stressed, anxious, or just feeling a little blue, you know that it can be tough to find the motivation to get out of the house and into nature. But several studies have found that being in nature for even short periods of time can have a positive effect on our mental health. How is this possible, and how can we most effectively reap the mental health benefits that nature offers?
- September 15, 2021
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- 4930
- Counselling Theory & Process, Spirituality & Religion, Wellness
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Identifying and Managing Therapist Burnout
It’s a new year, we’ve all renewed ourselves with a fabulous holiday break, and we’re raring to go again, having said goodbye to the factors stressing us in 2020, right? Or maybe not. Much of the developed world has, at this writing, only recently come out of lockdown from the COVID-19 pandemic, and many countries […]
- March 1, 2021
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- 7347
- Stress Management, Wellness, Workplace Issues
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Recognising and Treating Exercise Addiction
He’s up at 5:00 a.m. every morning, slipping into jogging shorts despite the single-digit temperatures, cold winds, and darkness. He pounds the pavement faithfully for 90 minutes a day, at least five days a week. He is also chronically tired and complains of frequent joint pain. He has recently been feeling like, “Why bother? Life […]
- July 16, 2018
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- 8862
- Addictions, Clinical Mental Health
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Wellness and Exercise: Questions to Ask Your Client
Exercise should be uppermost in the minds of those looking to enhance their wellness. The quest for fitness, however, is so pervasive in developed cultures that some controversies are inevitable. We believe the best approach is for you to offer your client basic guidelines to help them (re-)shape their fitness regimens, but let them be […]
Lifestyle Interventions for Depression
Treatments for depression or anxiety, also called “interventions”, fall into one of three categories, and often several are recommended to be taken up at once. These main groupings are: Medical interventions; Psychological interventions; and Lifestyle interventions. In this post we overview a range of lifestyle interventions therapists can suggest when treating depression. Bibliotherapy What is […]
- September 3, 2012
- 0
- 5104
- Clinical Mental Health, Diagnosis & Treatment, Wellness
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