“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” (Napoleon Hill/Inspirational, 2014) Do you write down your goals? You probably have ideas rolling around in your mind about what you want to accomplish now, soon, next year, and over your lifetime, but have you actually written them down? World-renowned speaker and best-selling author Brian Tracy notes […]
Get Going with Goal-setting
How are you going on your New Year’s resolutions? If you are like an estimated 93 percent of the population, you have abandoned those fine aspirations generated so earnestly in December. Despair not, however; in this article we look at why you should revive your resolutions, turning them into goals. We identify the areas of […]
- March 1, 2016
- 0
- 4128
- Career Development, Personal Effectiveness, Private Practice, Stress Management
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Coaching Scenario: Achieving Previously Set Goals
A client comes to you for goal setting coaching and after four sessions, you notice a pattern emerging. The client has enthusiasm in setting goals, but during reviews of progress, the client consistently tells you that he has not achieved any process goals because “something always comes up.” Client says he finds himself easily swayed […]
- February 22, 2013
- 0
- 9634
- Coaching Scenarios, Personal Effectiveness
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