In this article we will highlight some useful models for working with clients’ ‘Parts’. Numerous psychological theory models seek to describe and explain the functioning of, the different aspects of our neurophysiology/personality and these in turn are used to explain our thoughts, emotions, and behaviour. Examples early on include Freud’s id, ego and super-ego and later on […]
Strategies for Career Counselling
As a counsellor, you will likely encounter clients who are anxious about career-related concerns. They may be kids, teenagers, or adults, and may come from any number of social or economic strata; vocational pressure effects people of all demographics, and there is a robust literature that suggests strategies that counsellors can use to attend to […]
- August 3, 2023
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- 8537
- Career Development, Counselling Theory & Process, Counselling Therapies, Private Practice, Uncategorized
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Grounding for anxiety: evidence based practice and practice-based evidence
Clients can, and often do, present for counselling in a mildly, or even highly anxious state and counsellors frequently use ‘grounding techniques’ for the alleviation of both acute and chronic anxiety. Here, we explore the techniques seen as most effective from an evidence-based point of view but additionally consider the thoughts of counsellors in practice […]
- February 20, 2023
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- 12466
- Clinical Mental Health, Counselling Theory & Process, Neuroscience, Private Practice, Uncategorized, Wellness
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How does being a counsellor affect your mental health?
Compassion Fatigue (CF), Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) and Vicarious Trauma (VT) have all been highlighted in the research literature as risks for counsellors, psychologists, and other mental health professionals (Sutton, et al, 2022). In the current post-pandemic era, burnout amongst mental health workers is a subject more prevalent than ever and subsequently has been studied […]
Workplace Burnout: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
In recent times, the lines between work and home life have become increasingly blurred. The pandemic has seen many of us working longer hours, worrying about job security, looking after children during the working day, or experiencing significant changes in our means of social interaction. In this article, we explore the important topic of workplace burnout, and offer strategies to handle it.
- March 16, 2022
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- Stress Management, Workplace Issues
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Identifying and Managing Therapist Burnout
It’s a new year, we’ve all renewed ourselves with a fabulous holiday break, and we’re raring to go again, having said goodbye to the factors stressing us in 2020, right? Or maybe not. Much of the developed world has, at this writing, only recently come out of lockdown from the COVID-19 pandemic, and many countries […]
- March 1, 2021
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- 7310
- Stress Management, Wellness, Workplace Issues
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Take the Mindful Path to Self-Care
Imagine a self-care strategy which relies solely on you. It can be done in a quiet space or on-the-go; it can take place individually or with like-minded others; and it can be flexible to your needs and circumstances. Furthermore, in a time when uncertainty never feels too far away, it is unlikely to become a casualty of lockdown or physical distancing. Within a working context, if utilised properly, this self-care strategy can enable you to become a better helping professional, as well as inform and improve upon your interactions and practices with clients. Welcome to the world of mindfulness.
- February 3, 2021
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- 6778
- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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Living a Mindful Life: Mindfulness Program
For quite some time now, many of our readers and students have wanted a Mindfulness program that not only teaches them about Mindfulness, but progressively helps them integrate Mindfulness into their lives for enhanced wellbeing. Well, we listened, and now we’re delivering! The resultant program is Living a Mindful Life. Living a Mindful Life This was […]
- March 11, 2020
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- 3237
- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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Coping with Holiday Stress and Anxiety
The tree is aglow with the presents all wrapped, the holiday baking is done, and Aunt Daisy has promised to be on her best behaviour. Your client is ready for Christmas — or maybe not. As the siren call of “happy holidays” beckons, many people are thrilled to come to the end of the year. […]
- December 10, 2018
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- 3723
- Relationship & Families, Spirituality & Religion, Stress Management, Wellness
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Relaxation, Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques to Manage Study Stress
Relaxation, meditation and mindfulness stress management techniques involve learning how to control our body’s response to stress. It is about learning to consciously relax the body and still the mind. Like learning a new language, a little bit every day is far better than a mega-session occasionally. Burgeoning research studies support practitioners’ contentions that multiple […]
- August 1, 2016
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- 8316
- Stress Management, Wellness
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Stress: Busting Six Myths
Stress can be defined as any pressure, demand, or threat placed on an organism (say, a human being) that causes a need to re-establish balance or “equilibrium”. The Oxford Dictionary online adds that stress is “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.” The notion of stress has […]
- May 19, 2016
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- 6306
- Stress Management, Wellness
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How to Understand Anger
Familiar with this scenario? The idiot cuts in front of you, causing you to nearly crash into him. Your pounding heart, flushed face, tight chest, and gritted teeth tell you: you are angry. Or, maybe someone you know violates you in a despicable way, steals from you or betrays you. You are a “nice” person, […]
- August 6, 2015
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- 3880
- Personal Effectiveness, Relationship & Families, Stress Management
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How to Overcome Anxiety
The CEO of the fast-expanding organisation looked at me, despair seeping through a veneer of confidence. With three growing children, a loving husband, and work at the top of the corporate ladder, her life ticked all the boxes. “I’m coping OK,” she confided, “but I’ve been better.” “Better” was before she came to be afflicted […]
- June 9, 2015
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- 4672
- Clinical Mental Health, Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Beating the Holiday Blues
You gaze with disgust at the mountains of dirty laundry, tossed casually next to the half-unpacked suitcase. You feel fidgety – unable to settle into your normal routines – life seems grey, and you are dreading work. Chances are you have a condition that hits most eager travellers: the post-holiday blues. Today is about how […]
- January 30, 2015
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- 2742
- Stress Management, Wellness
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Counselling Dilemma: A Teenager Experiencing Study Stress
Anna is a 17 year old student in Year 12 who has come to counselling because she is not coping with the stress of her final year. Anna is from a culture where academic success is highly important and she is under intense pressure from her parents to get good grades and go to university. […]
- December 17, 2012
- 4
- 8452
- Children & Adolescents, Counselling Dilemmas, Ethics & Legal Issues, School Counselling, Stress Management
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