Let’s identify some key elements of a bully in the following list, adapted from Witheridge’s (2001: 4) outline of open versus hidden bullying. Open Bullying Behaviours Physical violence Shouting or swearing at someone in public or private Instant rages over trivial matter Humiliating someone in front of colleagues Ignoring or isolating someone in public deliberately […]
Why Do People Harass and Bully?
Brinkman and Kirshner (2003: 7) argue that depending upon goals and intentions of people in an organisation for example certain personality characteristics and behaviours emerge depending upon what a task may entail. They claim that there are 4 intentions that people use in their lives in order to function in undertaking tasks. They include: Get […]
- September 24, 2007
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- Workplace Issues
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What is Bullying Then?
Source: www.bullyonline.org/workbully/amibeing.htm “Constant nit-picking, fault-finding and criticism of a trivial nature – the triviality, regularity and frequency betray bullying; often there is a grain of truth (but only a grain) in the criticism to fool you into believing the criticism has validity, which it does not; often, the criticism is based on distortion, misrepresentation or fabrication. […]
- September 20, 2007
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- Workplace Issues
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Series: Coping with Workplace Harassment
“Bullying is a compulsive need to displace aggression and is achieved by the expression of inadequacy (social, personal, interpersonal, behavioural, professional) by projection of that inadequacy onto others through control and subjugation (criticism, exclusion, isolation etc). Bullying is sustained by abdication of responsibility (denial, counter-accusation, pretence of victimhood) and perpetuated by a climate of fear, […]
- September 17, 2007
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- 8480
- Stress Management, Workplace Issues
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Counselling Case Study: An Overwhelmed Client
Chris came to counselling because he was experiencing increasing feelings of being stressed, overwhelmed and weighed down by his commitments in life. He has been particularly concerned about his negative thoughts and attitude at work and at home and would like to change this. Chris has been seeing a Professional Counsellor for three sessions and […]
- June 1, 2007
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- Case Studies, Relationship & Families, Stress Management
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Stress at Work
“Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency.” (Natalie Goldberg) Stress in the workplace is common and caused by many different factors and issues. Many problems may never be fully resolved and the amount of stress a person experiences is often determined by whether or not they can accept that some […]
- March 15, 2007
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- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Handy Tools for Combating Stress
“When Mozart was composing at the end of the eighteenth century, the city of Vienna was so quiet that fire alarms could be given verbally, by a shouting watchman mounted on top of St. Stefan’s Cathedral. In twentieth-century society, the noise level is such that it keeps knocking our bodies out of tune and out […]
- March 9, 2007
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- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Stress Prevention Tips
“It is better to intervene than remediate” Preventing stress is the best remedy to reduce the effects of stress in daily life, and its potential (and negative) consequences. There are three broad areas which comprise many strategies of stress prevention, particularly in the workplace. Such areas involve making decisions, avoiding procrastination and delegation. Make Decisions […]
- February 28, 2007
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- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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How to Manage Stress
How do we cope with stress? There are literally thousands of books, articles and websites that cover stress and stress management. However, the ancient and natural ways are probably still the best ways towards peace and serenity. The old adage, ‘prevention is better than cure’ is certainly true for stress management. Here are some tips […]
- February 22, 2007
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- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Stress in Stages
Earlier in this series we’ve defined several types of stress which originate from similarly related events or stressors. Likewise, there are varied overlapping stages which constitute what we call stress. In a nutshell, the stages of stress denote the responses to the various stressful events an individual may undergo, and the accumulative effect of such […]
- February 15, 2007
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- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Types of Stress
One of the reasons why people have a hard time ending stress is that they are not addressing the core issues within their lives. Following are six categories of stress. They are categorised so that you may first know the issue and the cause of the problem to find the solution. Work/Study Related Stress The […]
- February 6, 2007
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- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Fundamentals of Stress
Do you know what happens to your body in a stressful situation? Although the incidence of stress in people’s lives is vastly dictated by automated body responses, there is no doubt that part of it is a result of our interpretation and other ‘conscious’ mechanisms. Thus, there is a factor of decision-making and learning involved. […]
- January 24, 2007
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- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management
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Series: Coping with Stress
“I can’t cope anymore!” “This is too much – I’ve had it!” Is this what you are feeling right now? Comments such as these are common every day occurrences in our busy lives – and we call it STRESS. Not that long ago, the terms ‘worry’, ‘anxiety’, ‘fear’, ‘impatience’, and ‘anger’ gave way to what […]
- January 22, 2007
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- 3402
- Personal Effectiveness, Stress Management, Wellness
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